my one word
/Self-discipline. Simplicity. Thrive.
Those are the three words that are in consideration for my one word for 2016.
I stopped making New Year's resolutions years ago because they never focused on the positive or on personal growth. I also think New Year's resolutions are silly. If you want to change something about yourself or your situation, why wait till January 1st to do so?
A handful of my friends choose one word that shapes their year. That one word is a theme for the year. It's a word you get back to again and again to help make decisions or to keep yourself on the path to meet goals. This is my first year doing the same and I'm excited. I will be even more excited when I finally pick one out of the three!
I lack it. I need it. Often, I'm too tired or frazzled to care. I just want to Instagram & Chill.
I need self-discipline for a healthier, more productive year.
Currently, I'm sitting in my cloffice (closet turned office). It's a mess. Too many things that not only clutter my physical space but mental too. If I want to be productive and less frazzled, it all needs to go. Simplify my space, simplify my processes, simplify my work.
I've experienced a lot of personal growth in 2015 and I don't want to lose momentum. I need to take care of myself physically, emotionally, and mentally and do the same to my relationships with family, friends, and clients. I also put a lot of things on hold (blogging, growing my business, hobbies) last year. I need to un-pause those things in order to thrive.
What is, or what would you choose as, your word for 2016?