Bring Back the Bees
/I'm always struggling to come up with toddler friendly activities and, more often than not, I try to come with something on the fly.
My criteria is simple: minimal set-up and clean up, doesn't require anyone to take a bath after said activity is complete, inexpensive or free, hands on and educational, and fun for both of us.
Easy, right?!
Today's activity was planting wild flowers in our backyard.
A few weeks ago I saw friends tweeting about Cheerios' #BringBacktheBees campaign so I looked into it and ordered my own pack of free wildflower seeds. According to the Cheerios website the bee population is declining, which is not good. Bees are pollinators and the crops that we eat rely on them. Without bees we also can't have honey!
I've always been afraid of bees because of my allergic reaction to their stings. I've gone decades avoiding getting stung but failed last fall when I got stung on the forehead right before having our photos taken for a local publication. Thankfully, I only had a mild reaction and my fear of bees has subsided.
We picked two spots in our backyard that would benefit from the wildflowers. We tilled the soil, places the seeds, covered them with plant starter soil, and watered the plots.
After all the hard work, we rewarded ourselves by relaxing in the hammock.
We can't wait to see the flowers grow and for the bees to come visit our yard.