The Daily Birch: Flower Crowns
/"Did you read my post?"
"Yeah, I did. Do you think you'll be able to keep up with it?"
"I know there will be days that I miss and I'm okay with that. I just want... no, I need to write."
Mondays are always a little crazy and the past three have been a little more so than usual. The baby is taking swimming classes at the local Y and we have what feels like a 12 hour day before noon. Thankfully, she takes a two to three hour nap when we get home, allowing me to tackle client work and make a plan for the week.
Writing pen to paper, planning Daily Birch posts. Feels good. Really really good.
Editing GoPro videos of Char's swimming classes. The one from last week is a classic.
Reading Harper's Bazaar's March 2016 issue, the one that started it all.
Following #SMMW16 and experiencing major FOMO.
Buying items for baby's first birthday party and gifts for her soon-to-be-born first cousin. IKEA on a weekday afternoon is my favorite.
Visiting the local park on a beautiful day is quickly becoming our favorite thing. We took the baby to swing on a swing before eating an early dinner at Three Monkey's, our favorite neighborhood bar in Harrisburg. We each got a side salad and split an order of hot wings and sweet potato fries. Delicious.
Tonight I watched Sia's performance at Coachella. I enjoy her music but have never listened to her whole album. She's impressive. The dancers are impressive. She definitely has a new fan after tonight. Speaking of Coachella, I've been researching this year's fashion statements. The event sets trends for the remainder of festival season and it's important for me to be in the know for one of my clients. It's all so fascinating.
Overall, not bad for a Monday.
Baby is ready for Coachella with this flower headband. #flowercrown