The Daily Birch: Show Me Your Teeth
/It was bound to happen sooner or later: the teething, the tantrums, and me going deaf in both ears from the screaming. At eleven months old, Charlotte's teeth are finally coming through. Four at the top and two at the bottom. All at the same time. Jesus, Take the Wheel. Or at the very least, make me a margarita and hold my hand.
Listening to Lady Gaga's "Teeth" because it's the right thing to do.
Watching a segment on Charlotte Today with Carrie Reinecke of Charlotte Parenting Solutions provide insight into tamper tantrums and how to properly handle your child when it happens. I had no idea that children throw tantrums because they're having a fight-or-flight reaction to an unknown (to them) emotion. I have always found emotional health riveting so I'm excited to dive further in and learning more about it.
Eating two bowls of freshly made organic chicken soup and ramen from Futo Buta in SouthEnd. A little bummed that they up-charged me for extra spice without letting me know. Who charges extra for spice?!
Drinking coffee, a mint mango smoothie, Wicked Weed's Pernicious IPA, and a tiny glass of water.
Dancing to LEN's Steal My Sunshine at Bulldog Beer & Wine in SouthEnd.
Snapping an after hours dance party.
The last Thursday of the month is my favorite because it means I get to see my favorite people at #instabeerupclt. Tonight it was at Bulldog Beer & Wine and I won a bag full of swag. Pretty excited. Also, there were plenty of dogs for me to pet and friends to hug. A much needed evening out after dealing with a teething baby throwing tamper tantrums.
selfie with Elvis
#instabeerupclt swag from Bulldog Beer & Wine
Tonkotsu Ramen from Futo Buta. FYI - if the server asks you if you want it spicy, there's a $1.00 up-charge.