First Day of Preschool
/We started our preschool search over a year ago but what we were looking for was practically non existent for kids under the age of two in our area. However, we found the perfect program and it was right under our nose: a church that we have been attending off and on had a partial day/week program for toddlers! The only problem? There were no spots left mid-year and we had to wait for the new school year to start. That was six months ago and we can't believe the time is finally here!
There were two orientations the week prior to school starting, one for the parents and one for the kids. I had a lot of questions at both and may have over done it by completing all of our "homework" like an A+ student who never misses a deadline. In reality, I'm a C+ (B- at best) student who is a perfectionist, hates busy work, and procrastinates till the last minute.
The kid orientation went well and I couldn't get Charlotte away from the trains and out of the classroom. She talked about the trains, the tea party, and the "church school" non-stop for the rest of the day. We took it as a good sign that the first day was going to be exciting instead of tear filled.
And that's exactly what happened. She lead us to her classroom, ran in, and didn't even turn around to say goodbye.
Sassy toddler or sassy teenager?
Sad parents or happy parents?
I ran all my errands near her school in fear that I was going to get a call at 10am telling me that she's been crying and they could not console her. The call never came and she was content when I picked her up from school in the afternoon.
I think she likes it and we couldn't be happier. We're excited for her to gain new social skills and learn things that are outside of our expertise. I'm excited because I'm gaining working hours and can focus more on my consulting business. My husband is happy because his two girls are happy. A win-win-win for all!
That first morning, and the mornings since, have been slightly chaotic. We barely managed to take the "required" first day of school photos before rushing out the door. Charlotte had a mouth full of pancakes the whole time, however, here are a few of our favorites:
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