The Daily Birch: Flower Crowns

"Did you read my post?"

"Yeah, I did. Do you think you'll be able to keep up with it?"

"I know there will be days that I miss and I'm okay with that. I just want... no, I need to write."



Mondays are always a little crazy and the past three have been a little more so than usual. The baby is taking swimming classes at the local Y and we have what feels like a 12 hour day before noon. Thankfully, she takes a two to three hour nap when we get home, allowing me to tackle client work and make a plan for the week. 

Writing pen to paper, planning Daily Birch posts. Feels good. Really really good.

Editing GoPro videos of Char's swimming classes. The one from last week is a classic.

Reading Harper's Bazaar's March 2016 issue, the one that started it all

Following #SMMW16 and experiencing major FOMO. 

Buying items for baby's first birthday party and gifts for her soon-to-be-born first cousin. IKEA on a weekday afternoon is my favorite. 

Visiting the local park on a beautiful day is quickly becoming our favorite thing. We took the baby to swing on a swing before eating an early dinner at Three Monkey's, our favorite neighborhood bar in Harrisburg. We each got a side salad and split an order of hot wings and sweet potato fries. Delicious. 

Tonight I watched Sia's performance at Coachella. I enjoy her music but have never listened to her whole album. She's impressive. The dancers are impressive. She definitely has a new fan after tonight. Speaking of Coachella, I've been researching this year's fashion statements. The event sets trends for the remainder of festival season and it's important for me to be in the know for one of my clients. It's all so fascinating. 

Overall, not bad for a Monday.


Baby is ready for Coachella with this flower headband. #flowercrown

Baby is ready for Coachella with this flower headband. #flowercrown






The Daily Birch: Planting the Seed

I miss writing, yet I seem to never be able to find time to write. I also feel like this is a sentence I write quite often and then nothing happens from it.

Once upon a time I had a LiveJournal. It was a long long time ago. And I made it a point to write every single day, no matter what. Making it part of my daily routine helped it be a successful endeavor. It also left me with a glimpse into my personal growth and a cringe worthy look into my past. 

My phone died last night before my nightly social media routine. Instead of being a slave to the short cord and mindless scrolling, I grabbed a magazine and let my fingers wonder through the pages. The mental block disappeared immediately and ideas started to flow freely. I realized that the only way to get Birch Collective off of the launch pad was to start writing. Everyday. It doesn't have to be perfect, but it does have to happen.

And so The Daily Birch was born. A daily collection of my thoughts, events, eats, and so much more. 

I haven't been this excited in a while and look forward to showing you a daily glimpse into my life.



an explanation

Late last year I alluded to a shift away from my in the Queen City blog and brand. It was long overdue. Charlotte was no longer the only topic of interest and the name hindered me from exploring (and creating) content outside the city limits, so to speak.

I don’t love this city any less. It’s possible that I love it even more than before, however, it’s time for me to move on from a brand that I created seven years ago. It’s difficult and scary to say goodbye to something that has been a part of me for so long.

So what’s next?

The goal is to turn this site into a business, second to my digital marketing and social media consulting company. I am open to partnerships and will be sharing more information in the coming months.

This blog will explore topics on starting and growing a small business, running a business while taking care of a little human, issues affecting parents, food (cooking and eating), and travel. I will still cover topics relating to Charlotte (the city) but it will not be the main focus.

I am really excited about this new venture and hope you join me for the ride!



my one word for 2016: best

I spent several days meditating over the three words I was considering for 2016. The conclusion? They did not feel right for what I wanted to accomplish this year. It's not that they're bad words or goals to have, but there had to be a better word to represent 2016.

I floated around three other words: fearless, focus, and productive. They didn't stick either. The more I thought about it the more I realized that there was a common theme: I wanted 2016 to be the best year yet. That is how I came to realize that my one word for 2016 is best.

It's quite simple, really. 

Is this the best use of my resources? Time, money, space. 

Is this what's best for me, my marriage, my child, my friends, my family, my business? 

Is this the best I can do or can I do better?

I'm not off to the best start but I still have eleven months to make it better.



my one word



Self-discipline. Simplicity. Thrive.


Those are the three words that are in consideration for my one word for 2016.

I stopped making New Year's resolutions years ago because they never focused on the positive or on personal growth. I also think New Year's resolutions are silly. If you want to change something about yourself or your situation, why wait till January 1st to do so? 

A handful of my friends choose one word that shapes their year. That one word is a theme for the year. It's a word you get back to again and again to help make decisions or to keep yourself on the path to meet goals. This is my first year doing the same and I'm excited. I will be even more excited when I finally pick one out of the three!


I lack it. I need it. Often, I'm too tired or frazzled to care. I just want to Instagram & Chill.

I need self-discipline for a healthier, more productive year.


Currently, I'm sitting in my cloffice (closet turned office). It's a mess. Too many things that not only clutter my physical space but mental too. If I want to be productive and less frazzled, it all needs to go.  Simplify my space, simplify my processes, simplify my work.


I've experienced a lot of personal growth in 2015 and I don't want to lose momentum. I need to take care of myself physically, emotionally, and mentally and do the same to my relationships with family, friends, and clients. I also put a lot of things on hold (blogging, growing my business, hobbies) last year. I need to un-pause those things in order to thrive. 


What is, or what would you choose as,  your word for 2016?


hello from the other side

Hello, it's me, in the Queen City.

The last time I blogged was in January of this year as a last ditch effort to revive the blog and carry it into the new year. The attempt failed and I found myself in the biggest identity crisis of my life (posts on that later). 

Dozens of word charts, flow charts, venn diagrams, texts to confidants, and brain storming sessions later, Birch Collective was born. 

I'm excited to have this new space to share my life with you.

