Fifteen Month Well Visit
/Well visits are becoming more challenging as the baby becomes more mobile and more aware of what's going to happen. The poking, the prodding, the shots. Oh, the shots!
Avoiding the exam table like the plague but possible catching one while sitting on the floor.
Sitting down on the exam table is no longer an option but we did manage to hold her down long enough to get her height measurement. The head measurement was done while she was crawling on the table and we used the standing "big girl" scale this time around to get her weight. Gone are the days of risking it without a diaper in the sit down scale, thank goodness!
The worst part of the appointment was the shots. Since CL won't sit still, I had the pleasure of holding her in my arms while the nurse administered the vaccines. The second worst part of the day was the post vaccine fever. The best part of the day was a toddler who wanted to cuddle. It took two days for the fever to break.
I'm at the point where I'm questioning how many shots are too many for one visit and if breaking up the three shots into two or three appointments would be a better option. Looking at this immunization schedule, she's due for four vaccines at her 18 month appointment, not including the influenza vaccine. Ouch. The good news is that she will be done with all of the major vaccines until her fourth birthday.
The stats:
- Weight: 20.2 lbs (9th percentile)
- Height*: 30 in (31st percentile) *baby was mismeasured at the last appointment
- Head: 45.5 cm (35th percentile)
The kid:
But first let me take a selfie...